以下は http://www.director-file.com から。
RES gives a full account of Gondry's process. "I really like the basic-ness of the music - one voice, one guitar, and one drum. I like this concept, and I thought it was very close to the primary color of the Lego blocks." On the video's creation: "We shot a very basic video of the band [in London], we edited it and then we had a program that pixelized the video, roughly the size of the Lego blocks and then we printed each frame [25 frames per second] on paper. Then we had an animation team building up Lego blocks to match each frame. Then we reshot each of those frames on a film camera. We didn't have enough Legos to do more than five frames at a time, so after five frames were shot [the Legos] were demolished to build the next five frames."
1. 撮影と編集
2. ビデオをピクセラレート
3. 映像の各フレームを紙に出力する
4. 組立てチームが紙を元にレゴを組み立ててコマ撮り撮影
Fell In Love With A Girl - White Stripes